Thursday, February 01, 2007

At long last, here is the information from the back of puzzle #2 - The Others. This is the lower left corner of the blast door map, featuring The Swan and some speculation on The Flame. Personally, I think this is the most interesting section so far. Here's the text:

low frequency exploration - possible site for ground study of flora
low relevance to valenzetti-related research activity

possible recreations area for DIHG survey teams

no safe location for dharmatel servers/hub/cabling or infrastructure

alleged location of aborted #7
large number of underground springs/heavy water table

- CVI highly unlikely

activity unsuitable for DIHG

alleged location of #4 The Flame
but unlikely due to cerebrus activity

of cerebrus system (this is cut off by the edge of the puzzle, and must be part of a larger note)

Cogito ergo doleo (translation: I think, therefore I suffer)

system wide failure of dharmatel intranet
4.08.00, 8.15.01, 01.06.05
- complete
in et (these last two lines are cut off by the edge of the puzzle)

PRD: every 6 - 8 months
- fatalities

The Swan
(4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42)
site of HG Dele
inspection 12.07 (these last two lines are cut off by the edge of the puzzle)

multiple escape conduits blocked after incident

Un sit magna,
ita ina deo
(both lines are cut off by the edge of the puzzle, so I'm not sure what the translation is supposed to be - I can't come up with anything that makes much sense... closest that I can figure is something like "It is great, and so it is god.")

There is a circle connected to the drawing of The Swan that says I AM HERE

There is a drawing of The Flame, scribbled out (which is interesting, because it does not appear to be on the map shown in the show). Underneath are three numbers under square root signs: 16, 64, 225 (which would be 4, 8, 15)

This portion of the map seems to have a lot more speculation than the others - probably because The Swan was "home base." My question is - there are several notes about "alleged locations"... alleged by whom?

There is also a code that goes along the bottom of the puzzle and up the right side.

Right side: C2/5 (underlined) C14/8 C21/9 C16/20 C16/13 C10/1+1 C20/1+1 C3/2 C3/2+5 (underlined) C3/2+2 C1/13 C9/2

Bottom: C16/13 (underlined) C20/2 C14/8 C21/9 C7/4+3 C14/8 C11/3 C7/10 C8/3 C3/2+2 (underlined) C11/5 C2/1+4 C10/4 C11/6+5 C10 1+1 C16/1+6 C21/9

Again, there are several that are repeated - C14/8 and C21/9 stick out to me.

This fantastic photo of the back of the puzzle is courtesy of dennis of The Lost Community. Thanks, dennis!

Now I'm just waiting for that last puzzle - #4 - Before the Crash!


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